News & Press

Gwyn Love Releases “never have to see u again” Music Video | umusicians


Oklahoma born pop singer-songwriter Gwyn Love has released a music video for her single “never have to see u again” which was released last month via 604 Records. 

The single is a song the artist says she believes becomes more powerful each and every time she hears it — an anthem that constantly re-ignites the happiest of moments when everything in her life really started to come together. 

On the video she notes:

“The video made for ‘never have to see u again’ by Emma Higgins was everything I dreamed it to be and more. We wanted to capture the moody vibe of the track by destroying heart shaped items, not in an angry way, but in more of a “I don’t give a f*ck” vibe. There’s vibey lighting, lots of sassy scenes. It captures me moving on with my life and being happy, following my dreams without my ex’s negative words affecting me any longer. You can expect to see quality looks and a lot of sass.”

Stream/Download “never have to see u again” here and watch the music video below!