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Michaela Slinger ‘Tarot’ : “Lots of uninhibited, curious experimentation happened.” | comeherefloyd

‘Tarot’ is just a hint of what’s to come from Michaela Slinger’s upcoming debut full length release.

Said Michaela: “‘Tarot’ was one of the first songs I ever demoed and self-produced on Garageband at home. I had just purchased a MIDI keyboard and was trying to push myself to write a song a day in April 2019. I didn’t achieve a song a day, but lots of uninhibited, curious experimentation happened, such as the low percussive hums you hear throughout the track. Those are original from me in my thin-walled apartment, messing around with layering my own vocals as samples”

The artist’s background of musical theatre makes her a compelling live performer whether she’s dancing to high-tempo tracks or alone with her guitar for an acoustic song. Slinger independently released her successful debut single, “Flux” (prod. by Nygel Asselin) in July 2019, which earned over 250K streams.

Post-Flux, Michaela’s career began taking new shape: she was accepted as one of two fully-funded artists to complete Canada’s Music Incubator in Toronto, and returned home to play Vancouver’s historic Vogue Theatre as a finalist in the Elevate Music Project.

Less than a year later, Slinger’s career has come full circle, releasing a brand new track on a freshly minted record deal with 604 Records.