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On Our Radar: Multitasking Mauvey gives us plenty to look forward to with the brilliantly busy video for “9” | The Georgia Straight

If there’s any truth to the saying “The best is yet to come”, then goddamn if we don’t have something to look forward to in the coming months. At the end of Mauvey’s video for “9” one of the last things we see before things fade to a, um, purple-hued black is the words “to be continued”.

There’s a lot to build on. The joy of pedalling down a deserted road in a soft-violet jumpsuit while carrying a bouquet of flowers in a fancy print-adorned can.

A straight-from-left-field ascent to heaven where the angels look like they’ve just returned from a shopping spree at Blossom Market on Commercial Drive.

A pickup truck sequence where the greasepainted ADHD-afflicted thing riding in the flatbed looks like the vaguely disturbing protege of Pennywise, Pogo, and Art the Clown.

And, after a near-miss on the road between most of the parties involved, flying pizza slices, tortilla chips, lettuce, soda pop, and watermelon—even though there’s been zero indication that someone’s been holding an impromptu picnic. In the dark.

Yes, somehow in about less than a nanosecond, day to turns to night, after which our purple-’frod clown in question finds itself covered in what’s either sawed-in-half donuts or a completely demolished angel’s food cake.

As chaotic as this all sounds, “9” works a gorgeously smooth vibe that falls somewhere between soft-thump R&B and funky-indie, with a bit of Jamaican dancehall thrown in to keep things interesting.

Watch, giving props to Mauvey on the multitalented front—in audition to writing “9” and starring in the video, he also acted as co-director. This is the first installment in a multi-part film series called “The Florist, and that things are to be continued suggests that the Vancouver-via-England artist will be busy in the months ahead. Given what he’s already accomplished, we’ve got something to look forward to.