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RGM presents The Maple Leaf Roundup #21 | Red Guitar Music
Joni Mitchell, Daniel Lanois, Alanis Morissette… Justin Bieber. Canada’s rich and varied musical heritage clearly has a trickle-down effect, as music of a consistently high calibre pours in abundance from its shores. Here at RGM, we shine a light on the best new Canadian music we can find, not just in the hope we’ll unearth the next Sarah McLachlan but also because we believe there’s something in the water over there that makes the music extra special. We hope you find something here, in the latest Maple Leaf roundup, to love as much as we do.

We begin in Vancouver, BC, where we find Michaela Slinger and her stunning new song ‘Make You Sad’, taken from the forthcoming debut album Panorama. If a twenty-something Patty Griffin had accidentally stumbled into an R&B recording session and decided to just go with it, the results may have sounded a bit like this. Slinger’s musical maturity is edged with a youthful fire and the subtle sass in the production here draws the song gloriously out of the acoustic shell whence it came.
Michaela Slinger is on Twitter: @michaelaslinger