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CelebMix Premiere: “Voulez Vous” by Madisyn Gifford | CelebMix

In 2020 Madisyn Gifford did a lot of rediscovery herself. Madisyn wrote a lot of music she is very proud of, learned a lot of really tough lessons, let go of people and things that were no longer serving her and did a lot of growing up.

“I also got my first record deal, made the very most out of some dark situations, and experienced so many beautiful moments with the people that I love,” Madisyn tells CelebMix. “It was a year of exponential growth and I left the year behind feeling very proud of myself for it.”

Although, in 2021 Madisyn is continuing to grow and of course continuing to write and make music (with more passion than she has ever had for it) but more than anything she is just welcoming life with open arms. The good and the bad. In fact, Madisyn feels as though she did a lot of hard work in 2020 and now she gets to enjoy it a little bit!

“The answer to that question changes every day for me,” Madisyn rebuts on how she is doing in the current climate. “I think all that any of us can really do is just take it all day by day, hour by hour and allow myself to feel my emotions (even the toughest ones) as they find me,” she continues. “I’m the happiest I think when I give myself permission to feel the difficult feelings as well.”

However, with all that said, Madisyn has still gone full steam into 2021 with the release of her newest single “Voulez Vous”, a song all about female empowerment and a girl coming into her own when she realizes that she’s not getting treated the way she deserves in a relationship.

“It’s basically a picture of a girl at a party ranting about how her and her partners’ values don’t line up at all anymore (i.e. he just wants to party and she’s not really into it) so she makes the decision to leave the party as well as the relationship without him,” Madisyn reveals to CelebMix. “I think it’s such a fun and empowering song and I really hope people enjoy bopping along to it as much as I do!”

Madisyn went into her writing session wanting to make girls feel good about themselves – which she has accomplished with this new single – something they could sing along to in the car or to hype themselves up to while doing their makeup.

“The creative process for this song was a really fun one because it was my first experience delving into the world of pop writing,” Madisyn expresses to CelebMix in our chat. “My producer and co-writer Colin Janz and I had so much fun with it, playing around with different phrases and melodies. The whole thing was just so so much fun!”

“Although the song isn’t written about a specific party that I went into the whole thing was definitely about a situation I was in at that time in my life even if I didn’t realize it while I wrote it.”

Madisyn Gifford on her new song.

“It’s a very honest song,” Madisyn says. “I’ll leave it at that.”

However, with this song, Madisyn really hopes that listeners leave feeling empowered and with a big smile on their face! It’s such a fun track, and she just wants people to have fun to it!

In 2021, Madisyn has an EP titled “Learning to Exist” coming out in the spring that she is so excited to share, and she is also currently in the process of finishing an album! Madisyn is essentially excited about all the music right now.

Madisyn’s prospects for 2021 are to continue making music that she is proud of and keep working as hard she can while still having fun!

“I’m so excited to see all of the things that this year holds,” Madisyn concludes in our chat.

Connect with Madisyn Gifford: Instagram